Hello all!
Just a couple more days until we see you in Hartford for the 45th Annual New England Oireachtas! We are looking forward to a great weekend of dancing and celebrating our tradition with friends and families.
We have a few things that we would like you to share with your dance families: We would like to remind all attendees that outside food and beverage is NOT allowed in the Connecticut Convention Center (This includes practice rooms as well). Connecticut state law prohibits the consumption of alcohol, food or other beverages not sold in the Convention Center. If you are consuming food not bought at the convention center, they will ask that you eat if off site. If you are consuming alcohol not purchased at the Convention Center, this violation will result in expulsion from the building.
Also, for the past several years the region has paid an exorbitant amount of money for the cleanup of the garbage left each day in the ballrooms and common areas of the Convention Center by our dancers and their families. Although the region pays this cost, it ultimately passed down to families in the form of rising fees. Please remind your families of this fact, ask them to be respectful of this beautiful facility and to pick up after themselves.
Finally, we are happy to let you know that we will have the Celebration of Mass on Saturday at 4:00 in Ballroom B. Awards will not start until it is over.
We wish all schools the best of luck this upcoming weekend and we hope you make some great new memories with your dancers, families, and colleagues.
All the best, Michael, Megan, Karen and Erin